Much as we would all like life after the Coronavirus pandemic to go back to the previous normal, a return to the old “business-as-usual” (BAU) is unlikely. In addition, the world continues to face the possibilities of social (including health), economic and environmental (including climate change) challenges.
The transformation of any business from BAU to sustainable success requires leaders and managers to look at their whole situation anew, continually refreshing their whole body of knowledge and the way they operate.
What is required is a new way to look at your and its whole situation. A Model of Sustainable Organisation (MoSO) provides that new way to view and understand an organisation’s whole situation.
This is not just any model of organisation, this is, MoSO!
To be clear, MoSO is not THE answer. Simply put, its aim, by presenting a bigger picture of organisation, is to generate broader thinking and learning to work towards sustainable success socially, economically and environmentally.
It helps an organisation continually challenge and work to better understand itself in its whole situation so that takes more effective action. MoSO can be applied at any level within a business or any organisation.
Literally look at MoSO from two points of view. Firstly, as an aid to focusing on ever-better delivery of value to customers within a wider world. Secondly, as the key to a body of modern management knowledge.
As a coach I use MoSO as a part of helping leaders and managers work out ways forward when faced with problems, mistakes and failures. MoSO’s role is to prompt questions such as: what IS happening, why is it important, why are we here and where are we going?
To find out more, arrange a free discovery session or book my Virtual Coaching 6-Pack contact me on 07831 508543 or email alanclark@keybiz.com.